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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  August 29, 2013 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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and broad. the dow flat, up 21. better up than down, right? have a great john. here's neil. >> you accuse me of rushing into something but on the other hand say, why have you waited for the chemical weapons attack. let me -- >> neil: the debate raging in britain over the use of force in syria, and now 140 house members are demanding that same debate here on our side of the pond before any u.s. strike over there. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is getting loud. 140 house members including 21 democrats, signing this letter to president obama, in it they say that the president needs congress' okay before authorizing any military strike
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on syria, and that anything short of that would violate the constitution. virginia republican congressman is a fellow leading this charge. he says that speaker john boehner needs to call back house members right now to discuss any syria action. the president, we're told, just called speaker baner to discuss concerns in this letter and the legal justification for any potential military action. now to the guy who authored the letter. very good to have you. >> thank you, neil. it's an important topic. >> neil: the key republican house leadership, including speaker boehner, have not signed this letter. what am toy read into that? >> ite knock surprised and certainly not offended. the speaker has ratcheted up his requirement or expectation of the president. he has not yet come forth with a definitive request for statutory authorization, and i think that's a clear difference and
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something i hope the speaker really insists on. we are the 140 members you mentioned, including 21 of my democratic colleagues, which i'm very encouraged by. it's a bipartisan effort. it's not person to the president. it's a constitutional 101, that is absent the united states being under attack or about to be under attack, in the situation like we face in syria, a real moral dilemma of strategic national security dilemma, the president has to the time and indeed the obligation to come first to this institution, not first -- for statutory authority before engaging u.s. forces. >> neil: you want a vote from congress to ride off on whatever the president wants to do. >> that's correct. >> neil: speaker boehner is saying in this correspondens, to the president you need to give us the rationale to explain
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howing this fit snooze the middle east policy. i'm paraphrasing. he did not require -- he came one step shy of demanding a congressional vote on this. you say the vote is important. why? >> well, it's absolutely important. only congress has the power to declare war, and i'm really concerned, neil, that across our country, even expressing our commander in chief, when he starts referring to a strike as limited or tailored, there's nothing limited or tailored about a tomahawk cruise missile, especially if you're on the receiving end of that and we have become a little bit kind of a cold and totally indifferent to what it means to engage in a military operation like this. i'm not saying i'm unwilling. and in certain cases it's absolutely necessary. but it ought to be deliberative, and absent us being under attack or an attack imminent, that's where the president can act
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unilaterally and not only can he do that, that is his duty, and i would stand by him if that were the case. that's not the case here. we have time. he is going to seek legitimacy from other nations, trying to build a coalition. i think that's appropriate. but the moral found upon which to engage u.s. forces is found in only one place only, by following the constitution and asking this deliberative body this, legislative body, the people's representatives in the house and senate, for a specific statutory approval. that's the proper foundation. >> neil: what if the president were to call you after this show, and hearing you, and he calls you up and says, congressman, i hear what you're saying. time isn't on our side. i can't get all of congress back, have them debate this, vote on this, while this guy could pound on still more chemical weapons. >> within 4 hours i'm convinced
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this body -- within 24 hours this body could be in session, both the house and senate. we haven't modern transportation methods and communication methods. we sure di -- >> neil: i have no doubt you can all get back there you're there but, but, but, the idea being to debate it, vote on it. the president might argue, wait a minute, there's no time. >> well, as you mentioned, in your opening piece there the british parliament had this 0 robust debate and this is proper. there was no sense there that something was imminent. now, if he had legitimate intelligence and he shared this with senior leadership of the house and senate and he acted because time was of the essence, i would support that. that's not what we're faced with here can at least so far as i know. >> neil: all right. congressman, thank you very, very much. it's a bipartisan effort. >> it is. >> neil: now in the meantime, i want you to take a look at this
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in the first gulf war the united states has 38 coalition partners. served go-round in the next iraq war, 30. in libya, nato-run operation, the alliance was made up of 28 countries, including the united states. for a military strike on syria, firm commitments are down to two. france and the uk. maybe australia. right now as you can see, from the brits, that is looking fairly iffy. so, colonel bill cowan, what's going on here? what are they worrying about? >> well, neil, think it goes back to wanting a little bit more evidence, and the further away we get from the actual incident the less likely we for find evidence. the u.n. inspectors will come back and okay there was a chemical attack. the real question is who did it and i don't believe the u.n. inspectors will determine that. so asaud ought to be feeling pretty good about life because things are on his side. >> neil: do you read anything,
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colonel, into the fact that we were rush, rush, rush, go, go, go, and i know the u.n. wants to wait until these inspectors wrap things up on friday. then it isn't immediate. they have to file a report. i'm sure they can expedite that but i know how things go at the ewan. let's say they rush it. is that the signal we're getting, maybe we're not sure the were chemical weapons or we're not sure whether assad himself used them? >> listen, neil. i like that question for this reason. our intelligence on this whole thing has probably been pretty good from day one. maybe we're trying to put a few more pieces together, but f we have that kind of evidence, that evidence should have been presented to key members of congress a long time ago. somebody should have been on a member flying to the uk and paris. >> neil: i know the president will be leading with top leaders tonight, maybe sharing this info. but you think it should have been shared a long time ago.
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maybe they just came upon it. >> i'm sure we have a pretty active effort going on over there, and certainly do our israeli friends, watching the chemical materials and watching the command and control links and we talk sometimes about having to knock out some of the chemical sites or put special ons people in to control them, particularly if the insurgents are about to take our ask the israelis themselves. i think our intelligence has been tight and i'm surprised we have not jumped up and said here's the conclusive evidence, and let's go tomorrow. >> neil: but that tells me that something changed, or that there are doubts that it might not be all it appears to be. one argument i heard advanced is that maybe president assad didn't approve this, but this was his brother going rogue in this province so there's a distance. i don't know if that would hold
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water because if i run the country and anything happens are in my -- under my watch, it's on me. there's now confusion has to whether assad might even have an out. what do you think? >> look, neil, there's some videos out there that people put out kind of indicating -- trying to show that it was the resistance that did this stuff, and deception is the backbone of the russian intelligence services over there, so in terms of videos, anybody could have made them to show anything they wanted to. i think a lot of videos put an element of doubt in people's minds and if that's president's brother, great, let's take him out. we need to do something. i just came back from the middle east last week. our credibility -- america's credibility and this president's credibility in the middle east is zero. not close to zero. it is absolutely zero, and as we dither around on this, particularly when he drew the reed line, probably withoutughte ramifications, he drew that red line. the red line has been crossed as
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least once, maybe two or three times, and here we are, the world watching, about to do maybe nothing. >> neil: you think when he made that report he really thought that not only would he not have to follow up on it, he didn't think there were chemical weapons? >> i think he believed there were chemical weapons. u.s. intelligence has known that. i have to wonder if he was thinking i'm the president of the united states. if i draw the redline, who will cross it? it appears that assad has crossed it. >> neil: colonel, thank you very much. is this -- who is funding these fast-food worker protests today? well, that may be --... hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot.
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[shouting] >> neil: we want a raise with that. fast-food workers demanding a wage hike across the nation. protesting, well, in new york, in seattle, in denver, but in the age of things like automated checkouts, wall street's steve morris says these guys should not be pushing their luck. >> let me say that my heart goes out to these people who are working -- trying to raise a family, maybe a wife and two kids and working at mcdonald's? you're not going to be able to make ends meet. there's no question. these jobs were never really meant to be positions where you would raise a family. these are starter jobs. my first job when i was 17 years old was working as a burger flipper at mcdonald's, and these people are expressing this rage. i think you're going to see a lot more of it in the months to come. they should be expecting the
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rage of washington for not creating the kind of jobs you can raise a family on but you blame mcdonalds and burger change. they are hardly millionaires that run these. >> neil: you have some older folks working there. the fast-food franchisee's responsibility to pay them more, to address that? in other words, people seem to lose sight that mcdonald's and burger king and wendy's, they're the parent companies that sell these franchises, and the franchiseees themselves have close profit margin. but let's say they were to get the raise, would would happen? >> let me page a point about the
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point you just made. i ask friends who run the franchises, how do you make money on then 99-cent menu? you're selling fries and double burger 99 cents. they have very thin margins and if you require $15 an hour wages you'll have a lot less teenagers hired for those jobs, you'll have -- starter jobs won't exist, and the other thing that will happen is what you just said, they will substitute workers with machines and automated things, you pour your own coke and iced tea, you'll have less people behind the counter, and that doesn't help any worker. >> neil: wondering, two, the unions role in this. thirsted interest, almost seems like feigned interest. i suspect they're a the group to sign it. so 0 not so much the plight the union ares are drawn to as much
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as the potential question. so i they do unionize these fast-food restaurants how much of that $15 would be going to union dues? >> that's the question they don't want you to ask. you are exactly right about this. the people are organizing these rallies and protests are the unions, especially the service employees international union, seiu, and you better believe they think they can possibly unionize three to four million fast-food restaurant workers and you start taking money out of their paychecks, you're putting a lot of money into the pockets of the labor bosses, i'm not so sure that's going to help these workers. and let me make a point. when you look at those people that are protesting out on the street, i have asked people at these restaurants where the protests are happening, they say it's not their workers. they're stick behind the counter. they're still working. these are outside ang ash agitators involved. >> neil: we're going to explore
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this tonight on fox business with a special message to you protesters. i think people are talking past you. i want to talk to you. tonight i will. not only to a prominent protester, but to what you're not being told, to the math you're not having to share, to the role of the service workers union that might not have your interests at heart. i know the mainstream media is not cover it so we thought we'd give it a try and at least show it, have it out there, look at the numbers you. decide for yourself whether your cause is do-able. >> texting while driving? a no-no. texting someone who is driving? a new ruling that could have texters applying the breaks.
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>> neil: before you send the next text you might want to call the person instead. new jersey court this week ruling any person sending a text could be liable in court if the recipients get into an accident. but it might not be that black and white, even if the texter didn't know the person is driving? this ruling fair? you were telling me there is a feature in this that says you have to know, the person texting the driver, that the driver was driving. >> right. the ruling says you have to have actual knowledge or special reason to know from some prior experience or relationship with the person. >> neil: how do you prove this? >> that's the difficulty in this ruling. in the case they ruled this on, they dismissed the action against the sender. so it's going to be a difficult burden to prove. >> neil: but it will come back to that, proving it.
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>> exactly. that's where i think this ruling is ridiculous. it's a new jersey court case, civil case, not a criminal case. but basically it's opening the door for the possibility that if you get into an accident with someone, and they were being texted, then that person who texts them could be responsible, and the burden is now on the person who was texting to prove they didn't know or they did know. it's a bit convolute ode, and, frankly, too extreme of a separation from the accident to someone else. if a person i driving and texting, absolutely they're responsible. >> neil: but your point is that if you know you text this person every day atle this time and you know they're commuting -- if you're on the new jersey turnpike you're not moving. but aren't you the driver, really the problem, not the
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person sending it? >> the court said that. they're not going to put on obligation on the person sending the text. >> neil: but they set the precedent that it could happen. >> it could but it's very limited. you have to know it's a person that is going to immediately read it. the burden is on the person driving they'll obey the law. >> neil: we all send texts and don't know if the person will get it right air. we know when we send it -- >> you wouldn't be liable in that case. >> neil: why do this? >> ' is isn't law as in legislation. it can go up to the supreme court -- >> neil: do you find it student? >> -- do you find it stupid? >> i think it's unrealistic. >> neil: do you fine it stupid? >> i think it's overreaching. i don't know i'd call the appellate division stupid. >> neil: how about as nine -- asinine.
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over reaching. >> the appellate division in new jersey is not thinking straight. doesn't make sense. i even if i text you every day because i think you leave work and there's a possibility you're on the highway, i don't know if you're going to read it when you're driving. how do i know you didn't pull over? >> you wouldn't be liable. >> neil: the point is how do you prove that? well, if you have a history of prior e-mails are text messages where you have knowing full well someone was behind the wheel, short of that and going through the history of someone's texts, i don't know where -- it's getting very creepy. >> the problem is it's a difficult burden. in the case, they couldn't get the context of the text. they couldn't prove she was driving. she was driving at the time, and that she knew about it, and it got dismissed. so i think this analysis by the appellate division and what they would like to impose, we're
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going see other cases the rulings will go the other way. >> i'm going to have to now hire an attorney if i texted someone who got into an accident, to disprove -- >> neil: that would be weird. you're an attorney and you have to hire an attorney. or just text them. >> have to disprove my intention and whether i knew when i was texting this person? this is nonsense. >> neil: ladies, thank you very much. i tried to get you to say it was stupid or asinine and you -- >> that's in new jersey. >> neil: they're going to say, cavuto -- first the showdown over syria and now the shutdown of the suez. find out who is threatening to do it and why drivers everywhere could be paying dearly for it. . thank u. thank you. i got this. oh, no, i'll get it! let me get it. uh-uh-uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check
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we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this labor day, don't invest in a mattress until you visit a sleep number store. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah!
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at our biggest sale of the year, every bed is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599. and through labor day only, save 50% on our limited edition memory foam mattress sets. only at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized. >> neil: you shoot? we shut. threatening to choke off the key oil -- an extreme group saying the following: we should shut the suez canal before there's a strike. phil says they do that, we'll all be paying for that because this comes -- here's the remarks from iraq it might shut down production while this going on. now you're talking some real problems. right? >> you're talking major price
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spike. the price spike we saw over the last couple of weeks, ten dollars a barrel, will look like child's play. when we talk about the suez canal, it's a very critical waterway not only for oil but petroleum products and other goods, and by international treaty, any tanker or ship with -- in times of war, times of peace, regardless of the flag, is supposed to have clear access to that canal. and if it is ever blocked, that in and of itself is an act of war. so there would be a swift reprisal, but international treaties, who is paying attention to those? >> neil: the build up before a conflict is always remarkable but no more remarkable than to tumble in prices. do you think, whatever the
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scenario is here, that will be the play? >> absolutely. i have gone back -- today the oil market sold out hard late in the day. reports of a major -- somebody betting big on lower prices so that play is already coming into the market. if you go back to the libyan conflict, or even the first persian gulf war, neil, the price of oil back during the first persian gulf war spiked up to an incredible price, $44, my gosh. but that was the high for a decade. at that time we released oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. the price spike actually pushed us into recession and prices didn't achieve those levels for more than a decade. so more than likely the higher the price goes, whatever happens, the initial reaction is going to be to the downside and maybe very violently to the downside. >> neil: normally the move to the downside is built on what
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seems like a good ally effort. the first strike when president bush, sr., it was clear how much in control. last president, off to a great winning start. but then the -- whatever runup we had, ran down. >> right. you know what happens usually? you're going to get a selloff regardless because no matter whatever the worst-case scenario is, probably not going to be that bad initially, and then after the prices fall you get into an assessment, where do we go from sneer if it appears then that other players get involved in the conflict, then you start running the price back up. the best case scenario is you hold that -- you hope that things calm down, the u.s. gets control, and then you can actually enjoy kind of a benefit because sometimes when you run the prices up like that, when
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the prices fall, they fall harder than they did on the way up. >> neil: we shall see. thank you. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: we're getting world the u.n. chemical weapons team will wrap up its investigation tomorrow and a formal report on what they found or didn't find, that could take some weeks and maybe that's how long president obama should wait before firing across the bow because remember the cuban missile crisis? all based on proof. the proof then was pretty clear, black and white photos and president kennedy knew it, waiting until he had visual confirmation and then sharing it as evidence with the american people lisa says this president would be wise to do the same. it would be that unequivocal, to the? would we be able to ascertain, here -- with kennedy you saw the silos and tanks. is it that black and white here? >> it appears it's going to be quite difficult for this to be a slam-dunk in terms of obtaining the prove proof necessary, but
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lodge dictates chemical weapons were used. this is the second time or perhaps the third time. some studies, the investigation is showing. so, what are we actually looking for? there's two ways of looking at the potential military strikes. the political justification and there's the humanitarian one. if you follow the logistics and ask the right questions, you hit a dead end. politically speaking, are we worried about the chemical weapons or a slap on the wrist to assad? president obama is saying this is not meant to do regime change. we're looking to punish them. using chemical weapons against their people. it's a war crime. absolutely is a war crime. but what are we achieving by stating it out loud? we're giving the assad regime time not only to move the elements where we're going to strike because we said where
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we're going to strike. we are giving them time to plan and plot a very -- >> neil: we're also basing our real anger on the fact that chemical weapons might have been used and not -- and killed some people and that the hundred thousands killed by other means. >> exactly. >> neil: so if that was the new litmus test by which we get involved, then any other -- >> how critical is that? >> neil: the go-ahead rather than -- >> here's the point. i we do don't ahead with he military strike, that's another empty threat. we lose our legitimacy once again in the equation, only making things worse. >> neil: maybe i'm going to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe they're not so sure, or they're beaking away from this because it's looking bad. >> both. i think it's absolutely both. i don't think -- i think it's difficult to ascertain the exact
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evidence necessary in the case, but they needed a time for the soil samples and the tissue samples to go to the lab, they should have started that long ago before announcing new threats and giving them a chance to hide and plan a retaliation. we're waking up these cells. it's not just retaliation against israel. it's -- there are al qaeda, hezbollah cells here in the west. we know of these things, and what are we doing? our enemies are killing each other, and we are saying we want a piece of the action. we don't want boots on the ground, but what if assad goes? that's what the people wanted. but what happens -- >> neil: tried to keep the regime in there, don't take them down, invariably we're back in there taking them down. very good. thank you. >> my pleasure. >> neil: first katy. now clinton.
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they really want you to obamacare. and why you should care who is staying here this weekend, because you picked up the tab.
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>> neil: first katy perry pushing the healthcare law. now form el president bill clinton is asked to do the same but a month before people have to start signing up for these exchanges, centers desperation. what's going on, byron? >> what's going on is new polls show a lot of people don't know what is in obamacare and the people who do know don't like it. so october 1st, the first deadline in which the exchanges will be up and running, people will be able to shop for health insurance on statewide markets, and the big deadline, january 1st, where the whole system will be in effect with the exception of the employer mandate which president obama
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delayed on his own, but the whole system would be in effect and people will pay parentally be receiving subsidies to purchase insurance. >> neil: they might delay provisions, might have to do everything they can, pull out the stops, pull stars from the hollywood and the musical word and political, bill clinton's case, but they'll get people to sign up because it is the law and it's a matter of time before people wakeup. >> that's where the mandate part comes in. that's what that is all about. >> neil: or pay a penalty. >> they're not strong penalties in the first -- years of this but they really want -- it's incredibly important for millions of people to sign up early, because if they don't you could have too many people sign up who are older and sicker and will make more use of insurance and not enough people who are younger and in better health, and then that sends the system
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crashing, which is why they brought president clinton, who is one of the world's greatest t greatest saysman, and who did barack obama choose? bill clinton. >> he is no katy perry. having said that, i want you to react to this from afl-cio president. he sames to be hinting at some sort of dispen sayings here. >> been working with the administration to find solutions to what i think are inned a vert tent hole -- inadvertent holes in the act. the act wasn't thought completely through and we work on a daily basis. i'm hopeful we'll get something done in the fear future. >> neil: special stuff for us, not for anyone else. >> this is why conservatives should not take too much heart from the union's unhappiness with the obamacare.
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they're not going to say we need to repeal obamacare. they're going say we need to fix the parts we don't like, and in the whole passage of obamacare there was controversy over very generous health plans that unions provide their members. one of the main benefits of union membership, and they're too expensive according to the obamacare authors and will be taxed. they got that put off for a while and the unions are worried about that and other provisions in the law. >> neil: incredible. everybody gets a pass. byron york, thank you. amid reports that anthony weiner now is paying supporters in the new york city mayor race just to show up -- just a charge, can't prove it. now you have this guy, de deblao is leading the back of democrats by double digits and that
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worries charlie, why? >> his real name is william wilbert. he took his mother's name. mary appear more ethnic. what is interesting about -- he would be the most liberal mayor we have ever had. this is the center -- one of the main centers of capitollism is in country. the stock market, banks. if we have a mayor that looks at the engines of growth and capital as places to beat on to tax, to hold up in shame, if he turns this place into gotham, another -- arresting capitalists left and right. can play the class warfare cards which majors which mayors have. it's the biggest city in the country. >> neil: if he were the nominee
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in this very democratic town. michael bloomberg is a big -- and then rudy giuliani. the feeling he wins the nomination, deblasio, it's his to lose? >> it's any to lose. democrat us outnumber republicans in the time five to one. this guy is more liberal than any of the others, particularly in economics. more liberal than christine quinn and bill to -- bill thompson and back to a denkins era of economics. he is totally against the police and stop and frisk. i grew up in the city when i was a kid, moved to the suburbs, been here this part of the country almost my entire life. this was a dangerous, desperate
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place in the are 70s and are 80s, -- '80s. if crime comes back and if businesses leave and businesses look to shelter income, and they cut their employees. that's why we had a fiscal crisis in the '70s. crime and bad business. >> neil: way ahead. that could change but right now sitting pretty. thank you. how would you like to stay at this five-star resort this weekend. charlie stays there. you think you can't afford to pay for it? you just did. ♪
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. >> test test test. test test test. testing testing testing. test test geico, see how much you could save.
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are hurting. talk about it showing. just days of lawmakers were to avoid spending cuts federal judges from the ninth circuit are holding a conference that this luxury five-star resort in colorado springs, no word on the tab, but prices on the website, they say something has to be done. we faulk to media reporter here. jamie, is that the hotel? >> it certainly is, neil, it's described as the only five-star resort at the broadmoore. you see it you want to stay there. judges from oklahoma, utah, wyoming, new mexico and colorado as well. they'll be gathering there this weekend for a long weekend. a judicial conference is nothing new. we had several from several different circuits. of course, they come at a time
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when members of the branch from the supreme court on down have complained this year about the automatic budget cuts and sequestration. in fact, at the 4th judicial conference held at the greenbrier a few months ago the chief justice said they are hurting. they are going on and spending several hundred dollars in the process. senator coburn and others in congress asked, if you don't like the budget cuts, why are you spending the budget dollars on these gatherings. >> the 10th circuit. with edid get a response. the 10th circuit can semd the 2012 conference. we again considered can selling it when it occurred. the hotel fees made it more cost effective. the fees of the judicial conferences, judges travel in 2010. that's approximately $191,000. 99 federal judges attended this conference. so a big push, jamie, it's not a
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big deal. >> actually, that's the explanation, almost the same one i got out of the 11th circuit, comprised of georgia, alabama, they met earlier at may in a golf resort in savannah. they said, we delayed it a year, there is no sense can selling it, we will lose money, the chief judge in the circuit was quoted on an atlanta legal website saying these sequester cuts are hurtling. they are very detrimental to the judicial branp, yet these conferences are going on. one unique thing, it sounded with the 11th circuit is that attorneys, lawyers, who sign up for these conferences, they put i think for the 11th circuit 335 buck noose a special fund when they sign up that then goes to help defray the costs of food and beverages as well. >> does it include room service? >> i don't know. i could find out. one thing that's frustrating as a reporter, in all seriousness,
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you can't do a freedom of acquisition with the judicial branch. to get a response out of the executive or chiefed a pen straf person. otherwise, we would not have an idea of how much this could cost. so a couple hundred thousand dollars, some people look at the tv and say, come on, why would you worry about that? you total that up for a few different meetings. it becomes real money. >> jamie, great reporting. thank you. well, forget about whether fair market. we are learning more about the one day. now is not. of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause rious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right ay if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in md or behavior.
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>> finally for any of you who lost a cat, maybe you can relate to this next story, even if this cat is a polar bear and lives in the zoo. the new york city park federal park zoo until tuesday when gus, a bipolar bear died. they called him bipolar because early on zoo officials said gus was a little excessive, neurotic
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in his swimming pad in a frenetic city he called home. it's true. i remember when i first took my kids to see gus years back. there he was like a furry 700-pound rainman frantically swimming back and forth, ba back and forth, a routine so fast and constant, they started calling gus mad. i told my kids, campus was in a rush, things to do, places to go in new york city. the folks in that class. a california psychiatrist, a true story, was brought in to see if gus was depressed. maybe needed company, female company. his first companion lily did seem to cheer him up. gus never abandoned his furious swim, maybe slowed down a bit. he never stopped and when lily died in 2004, his next mate ida didn't do much to alter his routine either. gus continued his figure 8 pattern laps. he had a tiny pool and every
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day. and ida up and die, gus the bachelor again, seemed to have doubled around, frantically throwing himself into the constancy of that little pool and nothing changed it or gus, not all of the new play toys or peanut butter trees or frozen in ice. nothing. gus kept swimming. some said maybe he was swimming for himself, anyway, over the many years i took my kids to the central park zoo, gus was always there for a stop. maybe he seemed funny, always very new yorky, like a 700-pound puppy who pardon new yorkers just laughed until this last year or so when it seemed gus was losing the spring. gus stopped doing that and zoo officialed checked him out, discovered an inopen raebl tumor at the ripe old age of 27, they put gus to sclooep sleep. i know there are and were bigger
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stories this week. try tell tag to my 11-year-old boy. the next time they rushed back to that zoo and their favorite neurotic always lovable polar bear is gone. that's news, that's life, that's sad. goodboy bye, gus. >> this is a fox news alert...welcome to indecision 20 leave e 13. will he, won't he? the president can't seem to make up his mind. >> we have been very clear to the assad regime, also to other players on the ground that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons used around or utilized. we have looked at all the evidence. we do not believe the opposition possessed nuclear weapons or capital weapons of that sort. we have c


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